What you'll learn
  • how to render rich text content from Headless CMS in React


One of the commonly used field types in our Headless CMS is a rich text field. This field uses https://editorjs.io/ with several additional Webiny plugins. The output data structure of editorjs is an array of objects .

You can render this data as you want by traversing the array and implementing renderers for each block type, but more often than not, you just want to use a predefined React component and move on.

To learn how to use Headless CMS GraphQL API, make sure to check out the Using GraphQL API key topic.

Rendering Rich Text Content

To render rich text content created with editorjs in your React app, Webiny provides a package @webiny/react-rich-text-renderer with a React component to do just that.


In your React app, install the following dependency:

npm install --save @webiny/react-rich-text-renderer

Or if you prefer yarn:

yarn add @webiny/react-rich-text-renderer

Default Rendering

Fetch your data from Headless CMS, then pass it to the component like this:

import { RichTextRenderer } from '@webiny/react-rich-text-renderer'

// Load content from Headless CMS (here we show what your content might look like).
const content = [
    type: 'paragraph',
    data: {
      text: 'A well written paragraph of text can bring so much joy!',
      textAlign: 'left',
      className: '',

// Mount the component
;<RichTextRenderer data={content} />

Adding Custom Renderers

You can override the default renderers or add new renderers for your custom block types like this:

import { RichTextRenderer, RichTextBlockRenderer } from '@webiny/react-rich-text-renderer'

const customRenderers: Record<string, RichTextBlockRenderer> = {
  // Override the default renderer for "delimiter" block
  delimiter: () => {
    return <div className={'my-custom-delimiter'} />
  // Add a renderer for "youtube" block
  youtube: (block) => {
    return <iframe width="560" height="315" src={block.data.url} title={block.data.title} />

const content = [
  // This block will use the default renderer
    type: 'paragraph',
    data: {
      text: 'A well written paragraph of text can bring so much joy!',
      textAlign: 'left',
      className: '',
  // This block will use the custom "delimiter" renderer
    type: 'delimiter',
  // This block will use the new "youtube" renderer
    type: 'youtube',
    data: {
      url: 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/gOGJKHXntiU',
      title: 'Webiny Overview',

// Mount the component
;<RichTextRenderer data={content} renderers={customRenderers} />

Styling the output

Styles for default renderers are included in the package and you can import them into your app like this:

@import '~@webiny/react-rich-text-renderer/styles.scss';

If you don’t want to use the default styles, skip this import and implement your own styling.


I'm not using React. How do I render this using other frameworks?

The rendering implementation is really simple and straightforward. You can find the full code in our repo . Using that as a reference, you can quickly put together a renderer in the framework of your choice.